Friday, October 22, 2010

Time Out for Women

Jodi and I went to Time Out for Women on Saturday. I love spending the day at TOFW, especially with Jodi. It was so good to listen to all of the talks and be edified by the Spirit. It was definitely needed.

I will always remember Brad Wilcox's talk on grace and justice. It was such an inspired talk on how the atonement works every day in our lives. Not only do we need the Savior, he walks with us every day, making up the difference in our lives that we fall short of every day. His talk has lead to hours of pondering and studying on the subject. It greatly impacted my life and helped me to prioritize the things that are needed to be done in the gospel. I get so overwhelmed sometimes trying to do it all and I forget that the Savior has already sacrificed for me, I can't repay the Savior, I can't save myself, He has already done that for me. What I have to do is turn my heart to HIM, and become his daughter in deed, action and thought. I will never be able to do enough to earn the Celestial Kingdom but with his love and grace, I have the ability to change my heart, follow him and still get there.

I love when speakers use every day examples to explain gospel principles. It helps me relate them directly to my heart and life. Speaking of grace, Brad said that it is like the parent that pays for piano lessons. The parent has paid the price and the child cannot repay the parent whether or not they practice or learn the piano. Since we paid, we can tell the child that they must practice, however, practice does not repay the debt that was paid. As a parent, we tell our child to practice because we can see the end result of what practicing can do for them. Not only in the ability to learn to play the piano, but all the lessons that they will learn along the way. The Father is just a loving, kind parent that wants us to learn and wants us to grow. We are on earth practicing and he is teaching us.

I am thankful for that example because I will forever remember when things get tough that it is in continuing to practice a song, in repetitive tries that the song is mastered and learned....not the first, second or even 100th time playing it but with patience, continued attempts and endurance that the piano is it is with our lives. The Lord doesn't expect perfection today, but a continued effort to master the lessons we are learning.

Put in that perspective, I can do that... continued effort. The hitting the wrong notes and having to try again and again is all part of the process and learning.

So thankful for this speaker and the impact it has had on my life today.

1 comment:

Jodi Davis said...

I loved going to TOFW with you! The talks were amazing and I know that I will never look at the atonement the same way again.